

In the vast, scorching Sahur Desert, Aurix waited patiently for its next prey to cross its path. Its scales blended perfectly with the sand, making it nearly impossible to spot for those who dared to enter the treacherous terrain. Aurix was a viper, but not just any ordinary viper. It was a creature bound to the will of Xerxes, the legendary skeleton with a scythe who guarded the desert.

Aurix was incredibly cunning and patient, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Its razor-sharp fangs and deadly venom made it a formidable opponent to any creature that dared to cross its path. But Aurix never acted on its own. It was a faithful servant to Xerxes, doing his bidding without question.

Many had attempted to cross the Sahur Desert, hoping to find treasure or make a name for themselves. But few made it out alive. Those who did survive often spoke of a mysterious skeleton with a viper at his side, who seemed to appear out of nowhere and vanished just as quickly.

Despite its loyalty to Xerxes, Aurix was still a wild creature at heart. It revealed in the thrill of the hunt, and would often slither off into the dunes to pursue its own prey. But it always returned to its master, waiting patiently by his side until the next adventure called them forth.

Together, Xerxes and Aurix were a force to be reckoned with, feared by all who dared to cross their path. But for those who were deemed worthy, they were also a source of protection and guidance in the unforgiving desert.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 70(60)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan