Aquatic Clan – ElderPedia The Lore of the Elders Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:24:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aquatic Clan – ElderPedia 32 32 235697745 Aurix Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:24:40 +0000 #301/500

In the vast, scorching Sahur Desert, Aurix waited patiently for its next prey to cross its path. Its scales blended perfectly with the sand, making it nearly impossible to spot for those who dared to enter the treacherous terrain. Aurix was a viper, but not just any ordinary viper. It was a creature bound to the will of Xerxes, the legendary skeleton with a scythe who guarded the desert.

Aurix was incredibly cunning and patient, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Its razor-sharp fangs and deadly venom made it a formidable opponent to any creature that dared to cross its path. But Aurix never acted on its own. It was a faithful servant to Xerxes, doing his bidding without question.

Many had attempted to cross the Sahur Desert, hoping to find treasure or make a name for themselves. But few made it out alive. Those who did survive often spoke of a mysterious skeleton with a viper at his side, who seemed to appear out of nowhere and vanished just as quickly.

Despite its loyalty to Xerxes, Aurix was still a wild creature at heart. It revealed in the thrill of the hunt, and would often slither off into the dunes to pursue its own prey. But it always returned to its master, waiting patiently by his side until the next adventure called them forth.

Together, Xerxes and Aurix were a force to be reckoned with, feared by all who dared to cross their path. But for those who were deemed worthy, they were also a source of protection and guidance in the unforgiving desert.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 70(60)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Nereus Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:13:03 +0000 #120/500

Once a respected sailor, but after a terrible storm that claimed the lives of his crew, he turned to piracy. He now works alone, sailing the seas in search of treasure and revenge against those he believes caused the storm that destroyed his ship and killed his crew.

Nereus is known for muttering to himself in a strange language that no one can understand. Some say that he is speaking incantations embedded with Ki energy, a mystical force that can be harnessed to enhance one’s strength and abilities. Others believe that he has gone mad and is speaking to ghosts of his former crew.

Despite his strange behavior, Nereus is a formidable pirate captain. He uses his knowledge of the seas to outmaneuver his enemies, and his mastery of Ki energy allows him to perform incredible feats of strength and agility. His ship, the Black Wave, is a fast and deadly vessel, equipped with cannons and a crew of undead sailors who obey Nereus’s every command.

Many sailors avoid crossing paths with Nereus, knowing that he is unpredictable and dangerous. However, there are also those who seek him out, hoping to learn the secrets of his power or to gain his favor in their own pirate pursuits. Nereus rarely takes on new crew members, but those who do join him are fiercely loyal and willing to do whatever it takes to follow him to the end of the world.

As Nereus continues his solitary quest for revenge and treasure, his reputation as a fearsome pirate captain grows. He is a mysterious figure, shrouded in legend and myth, feared and respected by all who sail the seas.

Card Stats
Ki: *
Attack: 60(70)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Nerissa Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:11:36 +0000 #119/500

Nerissa was born into a long line of sea witches, and from a young age, she was fascinated by the magic that flowed through her family’s veins. She spent much of her childhood studying under her mother and grandmother, learning about the various spells and incantations that they used to control the tides and protect their underwater home.

As she grew older, Nerissa became interested in the ancient art of Ki energy. She was drawn to its focus on balance and harmony, and she quickly realized that it could be used to enhance her magical abilities. She spent years studying and practicing, eventually becoming quite skilled in the art.

Nerissa’s unique combination of sea witchcraft and Ki energy soon made her a powerful force in the Aquatic Clan. She was able to control the tides with incredible precision, and her spells were infused with a raw power that few could match. She spent much of her time in her water cave, surrounded by the artifacts and books that she had collected over the years, delving ever deeper into the mysteries of magic.

Despite her power, Nerissa was always careful to use her magic responsibly. She believed that magic was a gift to be cherished and respected, and she was determined to use it only for the greater good. Her reputation as a wise and just sea witch soon spread far and wide, and she became a respected figure throughout the Great Ocean of Zagreus.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 50
Defense: 40(70)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Nereida Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:10:16 +0000 #118/500

The Middle Sea was a treacherous place, where the waters were known to boil and churn, and the winds whipped up into a frenzy that could sink even the sturdiest of ships. It was a place of danger and uncertainty, where sailors never knew if they would make it home alive..

Nereida was a creature of beauty and power, with shimmering scales that glinted like diamonds in the sunlight. Her sisters were just as striking, each one unique in their own way. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, and they had saved countless lives over the years.

But just because Nereida and her sisters were benevolent didn’t mean they were weak. They were still Aquatics, still creatures of the sea, and they would defend their family and their territory with all the ferocity that came with that. Get in their bad books, and you would feel the full wrath not just of Nereida, but of her entire family.

For blood was thicker than water, and the sisters were fiercely protective of their own blood. It was said that they could summon storms at will, that they could command the very depths of the sea itself using Ki as their own slave. And those who dared to cross them would soon find out that their power was not to be underestimated.

So if you found yourself lost in the Middle Sea, and you happened to spot Nereida and her sisters on the horizon, you could count yourself lucky. For they were creatures of both beauty and power, and they would stop at nothing to protect the innocent. But if you dared to cross them, you would find out just how fearsome they could truly be.

Card Stats
Ki: 4
Attack: 40
Defense: 60(70)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Phorkys Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:08:13 +0000 #117/500

As one delves deeper into the depths of the ocean, the temperature drops drastically and the pressure increases, making it nearly impossible for most beings to survive. But for Phorkys, the guardian of the deep-dwellers, this is his domain. His skin matches the depths of the sea and his eyes are black like that of a shark but still very much human..

Phorkys wields immense power over the ocean, using his Ki to manipulate the currents and tidal streams. He creates whirlpools and eddies that can easily ensnare any unwary traveler. He is served by a legion of sharks, who are both his loyal subjects and his personal army. They hunt and patrol the dark waters, keeping the peace and defending their master’s realm.

Few have seen Phorkys up close and lived to tell the tale. Those who have described him as a fierce and formidable demigod, with a gaze that can chill one to the bone. He is a master of the ocean depths, and those who dare to challenge his authority will face a swift and terrible retribution.

To cross his path is to court death itself, for Phorkys is the guardian of the deep, and he will not tolerate any who would threaten the peace and safety of his domain.

Card Stats
Ki: 6
Attack: 80(60)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Typhoon Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:06:26 +0000 #116/500

For centuries, Typhoon had roamed the seas, causing destruction wherever he went. He would unleash his fury upon ships, engulfing them in massive waves and tearing them apart with his tentacles. He was said to be invincible, immune to any weapon or ki that any of the clans could wield against him. But he was also consumed by a deep hatred, a burning desire for revenge against those who had wronged him in life.

Many sailors had tried to defeat Typhoon, lured by the promise of the immense bounty on his head. But none had succeeded, and most had perished in their attempts. Typhoon’s wrath was terrible to behold, and he seemed to grow stronger with each passing year.

And yet, there were some who still believed that Typhoon could be defeated. They whispered of ancient spells and forgotten artifacts, of legendary heroes who had vanquished demons of the sea before. They dreamed of a world without Typhoon’s terror, where the seas were safe and free once more.

But Typhoon was always watching, always waiting. He knew that his enemies were gathering, and he relished the thought of crushing them under his mighty strength. For Typhoon was no longer a mere demon, but a force of nature, an elemental power that would not be tamed or controlled.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 80(70)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Cap’n Jones Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:04:19 +0000 #115/500

Captain Jones was once a proud and respected captain, leading his crew on daring voyages across the seas. But that was before he crossed paths with the goddess of the sea, Thalassa. One fateful night, as his ship sailed through a treacherous storm, Thalassa appeared before him, furious that he had sailed through her territory without her permission. In her wrath, she cursed Captain Jones and his crew to forever sail beneath the waves, never again to see the light of day.

At first, Captain Jones was horrified at the prospect of spending the rest of his days trapped beneath the sea. But as time passed, something within him changed. He began to take pleasure in the suffering of others, using his cursed ship to lure unsuspecting sailors to their watery graves. He delighted in the fear and panic that he could see in their eyes as they realized their fate. And he reveled in the power that his curse had given him, making him more than human.

But there was one thing that Captain Jones was sensitive about: his appearance. The curse had transformed him into a grotesque creature, with tentacles as a beard and a face that no longer resembled his human self. He knew that he was a monster, and he hated it. So when sailors would laugh or mock him, he would become enraged, unleashing his wrath upon them with a fury that was unmatched.

Despite the danger, a few brave fishermen still ventured out onto the tropical seas of Zagreus, hoping to catch a big enough catch to provide for their families. But they knew the risks. If they saw the smooth surface of the sea ripple into a whirlpool, they would pray that they could sail away fast, for they knew that Captain Jones and his cursed ship were nearby.

And so, Captain Jones continued to sail the seas, his cursed ship a terror to all who knew of it. But deep down, he knew that his existence was a punishment, a curse that he could never escape. And so, he continued to take pleasure in the suffering of others, hoping that one day, he might find a way to break the curse and escape the sea that had become his prison.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 60(80)
Defense: 50
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Khoral Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:02:43 +0000 #114/500

Khoral was a name whispered in fear across the ports of Zagreus. His reputation preceded him, and his name was synonymous with terror. Some believed that he had sold his soul to the goddess of the sea in exchange for power, while others claimed that he was born with a fierce nature, unlike any other.

Khoral’s fleet of ships sailed across the vast ocean, leaving destruction in their wake. They attacked any vessel they came across, pillaging and plundering whatever they could get their hands on. His crew was made up of the fiercest warriors from the Aquatic clan, who followed his every command without question.

The other clans lived in fear of Khoral’s wrath. They would whisper stories about his brutality and ruthlessness, about how he would show no mercy to those who opposed him. Some believed that he was invincible, that he had been blessed by the goddess of the sea with an unbreakable skin that made him impervious to all attacks.

But there was a reason for Khoral’s cruelty, a reason why he was driven to conquer and dominate the seas. When he was young, his family had been killed by a rival clan, and he had been forced to flee for his life. He had vowed to avenge their deaths and to become the strongest and most feared warrior in all of Zagreus.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 70(70)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Serenity Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:01:17 +0000 #113/500

Serenity was a force to be reckoned with. She had a mesmerizing presence that captivated anyone who crossed her path. Her voice was like a lullaby, calming and soothing, yet with a dangerous edge. Like the sirens of folklore, she used her voice to hypnotize her enemies and lure them into her grasp.
Many had fallen victim to her aquatic song, not realizing the danger until it was too late. They would be pulled under the water, their last breaths taken as they were drowned by the very element that Serenity controlled.

But Serenity was not just a deadly force of nature. She was also fighting for vengeance. Bearing the Aquatic insignia, she was on a mission to avenge the death of her family. They had been killed by a rival clan who sought to control the waters that were so vital to both their livelihoods.

Serenity had trained tirelessly, honing her Ki skills and mastering the art of aquatic combat. She was a fierce warrior, feared by many, but her heart was still heavy with the weight of her loss. She knew that she would never find true peace until she had avenged her family’s death.

So she continued to fight, using her hypnotic voice and her mastery of water to bring justice to those who had wronged her. And though she was mesmerizing as she was deadly, those who stood against her knew to fear her power and never underestimate the strength of her will.

Card Stats
Ki: 9
Attack: 60
Defense: 30(50)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan

Polipea Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:59:46 +0000 #112/500

Polipea was born and raised in the Shallow Central Seas, in a kingdom founded by herself that was feared and respected by all who sailed the waters. From a young age, she was trained in the art of combat and survival, honing her skills in hunting and defending her territory.

As she grew older, Polipea became a fierce and respected warrior, earning the title of queen through her strength and cunning. She ruled her kingdom with an iron grip, enforcing strict laws and punishing any who dared to cross her.

But it wasn’t just her physical prowess that made Polipea a feared figure in the sea. She possessed a sharp mind and a strategic approach to warfare, using her knowledge of the sea and its creatures to her advantage. Her harpoon was always at the ready, and her tentacles could ensnare even the swiftest of prey.

Despite her reputation as a ruthless and cold-hearted ruler, Polipea had a soft spot for her people. She took great pride in protecting them from outside threats, and was always looking for ways to expand her kingdom and strengthen her army.

But when it came to outsiders, Polipea had no mercy. To her, they were all invaders, threatening the balance of her reign and the safety of her subjects. So when ships sailed too close to her territory, she didn’t hesitate to attack, unleashing her wrath upon any who dared to cross her path.

And so Polipea continued to rule the Central Seas with an iron fist, her reputation as a fierce warrior and a merciless queen spreading far and wide, striking fear into the hearts of all who heard her name.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 60(70)
Defense: 50
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan
