Erimos Clan – ElderPedia The Lore of the Elders Mon, 05 Aug 2024 18:01:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Erimos Clan – ElderPedia 32 32 235697745 Kleptos Mon, 05 Aug 2024 18:01:23 +0000 #320/500

Deep in the upper slopes of Oriziba, there stood a temple of ancient origin. It was filled to the brim with gold and precious gems, and stories of its wealth and beauty had spread far and wide across Zagreus. Legend has it that the temple was built by the first of the Elders of the Pyronic faction, as an offering to Ezrus in exchange for his blessings of power and wisdom.

However, the creatures of Zagreus soon heard of the temple’s riches, and sought to claim it for themselves. One of the first to do so was Kleptos, the many-handed. He and his minions infiltrated the temple and stole as much gold as they could carry.

But Ezrus was not pleased with Kleptos’ actions. He cursed him to be the guardian of the temple, forever doomed to protect the treasure he had tried to steal. And so Kleptos was transformed, his body becoming covered in thick ash like skin, his hands growing razor-sharp claws, multiple arms growing out of him. He was given the ability to regenerate, and his eyes went black with an otherworldly ability to see in the dark..

For centuries, Kleptos guarded the temple with fierce dedication. He killed any who dared to enter, using his weapon mastery and his razor-sharp claws to overcome any obstacle in his path. As time passed, the stories of the temple and the cursed guardian who protected it grew ever more fantastical. Many brave adventurers attempted to claim the treasure for themselves, but all met their end at the hands of Kleptos.

And so the temple remained hidden, a dark and mysterious place that only the bravest of souls would dare to approach. Some say that the gold and gems still lie within its walls, waiting for the day when a hero will arise to defeat Kleptos and claim the treasure for themselves.

Card Stats
Ki: 4
Attack: 90
Defense: 60(50)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Zanakht Mon, 05 Aug 2024 18:00:06 +0000 #319/500

In the heart of the relentless desert, where the blistering sun casts long shadows, there emerges a formidable figure who walks the line between life and death. Zanakht, the enigmatic wizard of the dunes, is as much a keeper of the secrets of mortality as he is a master of the arcane arts. His presence alone instills a sense of eerie reverence among the desert dwellers, for he is both a guardian of souls and a harbinger of doom.

Cloaked in robes as dark as the abyss, Zanakht’s every step resonates with the whispers of the departed. The winds themselves seem to carry the echoes of his ancient incantations. His mastery over CORRUPTED KI grants him dominion over the forces of life and death. With a solemn wave of his hand, he can rekindle the flickering flames of life within the deceased, drawing them back from the precipice of the afterlife.

Yet, this power comes at a dire cost, for meddling with the balance of existence exacts its toll. Zanakht is bound by an unquenchable thirst for the mysteries of death, and his unrelenting quest for immortality fuels his insatiable hunger for knowledge. He has delved deep into the LORE OF THE ELDERS, seeking the IF KI CAN BRING eternal life.

In his benevolent moments, Zanakht serves as a spiritual guide for the lost souls that wander the desert, leading them to their final rest with a solemn dignity. However, those who dare provoke his ire quickly learn that his wrath is as fierce as the desert sun. With a mere flick of his fingers, he can unleash torrents of unholy fire that reduce his foes to ashes, leaving no trace of their existence behind.

Zanakht’s presence in the unforgiving desert serves as a reminder that even in the harshest of landscapes, the boundary between life and death is permeable, and a single individual can wield the power to bridge that divide or plunge the world into darkness.

Card Stats
Ki: 10
Attack: 80(40)
Defense: 70
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Ixpuztec Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:58:38 +0000 #318/500

Ixpuztec was not always the lord of death. Long ago, he was a humble sorcerer who sought knowledge and power. But as he delved deeper into the corruption of ki, he became tainted by the very forces he sought to control. His obsession with death and the afterlife led him to make a pact with Themis that resides in the underworld. In exchange for his soul, they granted him immense power and made him the ruler of the dead.

Ixpuztec’s thirst for power knew no bounds, and he began to build his dark empire in the Rocky Valleys of Zagreus. He used his knowledge of Ki to create the pillar of Todolev, which allowed him to see all who came to the steps of his empire. He judged their worthiness and decided who would be granted passage through his domain.

As his power grew, so did his arrogance and cruelty. He unleashed his undead armies on the living, spreading terror and death throughout Zagreus. His name became synonymous with fear, and many believed that speaking it aloud would bring his wrath upon them.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 70
Defense: 50(80)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Adira Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:57:01 +0000 #317/500

As a child, Adira had lived a peaceful life in her small village, nestled among the rolling hills below the Mountains of Cloud. But one fateful day, her idyllic existence was shattered when a horde of dark creatures, led by Ixpuztec, attacked and destroyed her village. Adira watched in horror as her family and friends were slain before her very eyes.

In the aftermath of the attack, Adira was left alone and traumatized, struggling to come to terms with the loss of everything she had ever known. But amidst the pain and grief, a fierce determination began to take hold of her. She would not let her family’s death be in vain. She would avenge them by hunting down every last one of the dark creatures responsible for the attack.

With nothing but her wits and a burning desire for revenge, Adira set out on a perilous journey, traveling far and wide in search of the dark creatures. She encountered many dangers along the way, but her determination never wavered. Eventually, she stumbled upon an ancient sword imbued with powerful Ki energy that would aid her in her quest.

Armed with her new weapon and fueled by her burning desire for justice, Adira became a fierce warrior, feared by all who opposed her. She hunted down the dark creatures one by one, each kill bringing her one step closer to fulfilling her vow. And though the road was long and treacherous, Adira never faltered, never gave up.

Years passed, and Adira grew older, but her mission remained the same. She had become a legend among the people, a symbol of hope and justice in a world overrun by darkness. And though the scars of her past would never fully heal, Adira knew that her family’s death had given her a purpose, and she would fight on until her dying breath.

Card Stats
Ki: 7
Attack: 70(80)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Pikaroen Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:54:49 +0000 #316/500

Pikaroen was born into the Erimos clan, and even from a young age, he displayed a remarkable talent for wielding a sword and controlling Ki lightning. Despite his small stature, he was a force to be reckoned with on the Open Plains of the Highlands of Zagreus, and his influence only grew as he matured.

Pikaroen quickly became one of the most prominent members of the Erimos clan, earning the respect of his peers and the fear of his enemies. He fought fiercely to defend his people and his land, using his skills with the sword and Ki to devastating effect. His lightning strikes were so powerful that they could fell even the strongest of foes, and his sword wielded bolts of lightning itself, slicing through armor and flesh with ease.

As time went on, Pikaroen’s legend only grew, and many sought to challenge him in battle, hoping to prove themselves against such a formidable opponent. But time and time again, Pikaroen emerged victorious, leaving his foes battered and broken in his wake.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 70(80)
Defense: 50
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Alekos Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:53:30 +0000 #315/500

People forget he has a name… they call him a monster, and an abomination, and forget that once he had a mother, and that once he was loved, albeit briefly. Now, he walks the labyrinth of the gods on the Nameless Island in the middle of the inland sea. He was given the task of guarding the secret at the labyrinth’s heart. What is that secret? You’ll only know for certain if you dare to tread the paths for yourself, and manage to get past Asterion..

Alekos is more than just a guardian of the labyrinth; he is a being of immense power and ancient ki. His body is covered in a thick coat of fur, and his eyes glow with an otherworldly light. He is able to move through the maze with ease, sensing intruders from miles away and tracking them with deadly precision. Those who are foolish enough to challenge him are met with a swift and brutal end, as Alekos strength and ferocity are unmatched.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Alekos is not without his own vulnerabilities. There are those who say that he is not truly a monster, but rather a tragic figure cursed by the gods. Some believe that there may be a way to lift the curse and restore him to his former self. Others claim that he holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the labyrinth, and that his power could be harnessed for great good or great evil. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: those who seek to unravel the mysteries of the Nameless Island must first face the wrath of Alekos, the guardian of the labyrinth.

Card Stats
Ki: 6
Attack: 50
Defense: 40(80)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Kolchikos Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:52:10 +0000 #314/500

His skin is stronger than any army plating, imbued with the defensive power of Ki that he draws from the very air itself. Although he doesn’t have wings, he is more akin to an air elemental than to his cousins in the Voltaic or Dasos faction; and he can ride the air currents, despite his seeming bulk. He guards the peaks of the Mountains of Cloud at the behest of the gods, for these mountains also contain a secret that must be guarded at all costs…

Kolchikos is a creature of mystery and power, feared and respected by all who know of him. His very presence is enough to inspire awe and terror, and his gaze can strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors. He is said to be immortal, and to have lived for centuries, guarding the peaks of the Mountains of Cloud with unwavering vigilance. There are those who claim that he possesses the power to control the very elements themselves, and that he can summon storms and tornadoes with a mere thought.

Despite his immense power, Kolchikos is not without his own weaknesses. His strength lies in his control of the air, and he is vulnerable to attacks that disrupt his connection to Ki. Those who seek to defeat him must be cunning and resourceful, using whatever means they have at their disposal to disrupt his concentration and weaken his defenses. Even then, victory is far from assured, as Kolchikos is a wily and dangerous foe, capable of surprising even the most experienced of warriors. For those who seek to uncover the secrets of the Mountains of Cloud, the road ahead is long and perilous, and the price of failure may be paid in blood.

Card Stats
Ki: 7
Attack: 60
Defense: 80(60)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Xyra Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:49:53 +0000 #313/500

Perched atop the highest dunes of the unforgiving desert, there reigns a harpy rogue named Xyra. Her razor-sharp talons and swift wings allow her to strike from above, taking what she desires and leaving no trace behind. Xyra’s cunning and merciless nature have earned her the respect and fear of all who dwell in the barren wasteland she calls home. Though she rules with an iron fist, her keen eye for valuable treasures and strategic alliances has made her an invaluable asset to those who seek her favor. Many have tried to dethrone Xyra from her throne of sand, but none have succeeded. For even in the face of overwhelming odds, Xyra remains a force to be reckoned with, ready to defend her empire and strike down any who would challenge her authority.

Xyra’s prowess as a hunter and warrior is legendary, and she has claimed many lives in her quest for power and riches. She is feared not only for her physical strength and agility, but also for her cunning mind and sharp wit. Xyra is a master of deception and manipulation, and she is never afraid to use her enemies’ weaknesses against them. Her loyal followers are drawn to her charisma and strength, and many are willing to risk their lives for her cause. But even they know that Xyra is a fickle mistress, and that her loyalty is not easily earned.

Besides her reputation as a ruthless and cunning leader, Xyra is not without her own vulnerabilities. She is fiercely independent and often reluctant to trust others, which can sometimes lead to her downfall. Those who seek to challenge her authority often do so by targeting her closest allies and sowing seeds of doubt and suspicion. In the cutthroat world of the desert wasteland, alliances are constantly shifting and betrayal is always just around the corner. But Xyra is not one to be underestimated, and she is always ready to strike back at her enemies with deadly force. For those who seek to cross her, the price of failure is steep, and the consequences are often fatal.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 80(60)
Defense: 60
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Korgoth Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:48:47 +0000 #312/500

In the heart of the battlefield, there roams a hulking juggernaut known as Korgoth the Crusher. His massive frame is adorned with battle scars and hardened steel, and his mace is a weapon of unparalleled destruction. With each swing of his weapon, Korgoth lays waste to his foes, leaving behind a trail of rubble and broken bodies. Despite his imposing size, Korgoth is surprisingly quick on his feet, and his agility allows him to outmaneuver even the swiftest of opponents. His devotion to the art of combat has made him a legend among warriors, and his fearsome reputation precedes him on every battlefield. Korgoth is a force to be reckoned with, and any who dare to stand against him would do well to think twice before engaging in battle.

Korgoth’s thirst for battle is insatiable, and he has fought in countless wars and conflicts over the years. His loyalty is not to any one kingdom or ruler, but to the thrill of the fight and the rush of adrenaline that comes with it. Despite his ferocity in battle, Korgoth is not without honor. He abides by a strict code of conduct that forbids him from attacking unarmed opponents or engaging in underhanded tactics. Those who fight with honor and respect earn his admiration, and he has been known to spare the lives of worthy adversaries on occasion.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Korgoth is not invincible. He has faced many formidable opponents over the years, and there are whispers of a few defeats scattered throughout his long and storied career. But even in defeat, Korgoth is never truly vanquished. He always emerges from battle, battered and bruised but still standing, ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead. For Korgoth, the thrill of the fight is not just a means to an end – it is a way of life, a calling that drives him to seek out new challenges and push himself to the limits of his endurance. And as long as there are battles to be fought and enemies to be crushed, Korgoth the Crusher will remain a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 80(80)
Defense: 60
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan

Storling Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:47:09 +0000 #311/500

High atop a mountain peak, there dwells a chimera known as Storling. With wings of gold and a mane of lightning, Storling harnesses the raw power of the elements to devastating effect. He wields bolts of lightning with ease, blasting his enemies with crackling energy and leaving them smoldering in his wake. His mastery of the skies makes him a swift and deadly opponent, able to strike from above with blinding speed. But despite his fearsome abilities, Storling is a wicked creature at heart, using his powers to wreak havoc. His name is spoken with reverence among the people, and many look to him as the face of death.

The legend of Storling is known far and wide, and many have attempted to slay the beast to no avail. Some say that his lightning strikes are so powerful that they can split mountains in two, while others claim that he can control the very winds themselves. But no matter how formidable his foes, Storling always emerges victorious, leaving destruction and chaos in his wake.

Though he is feared and revered, Storling is not invincible. There are whispers among the people that his power comes with a price, and that he is slowly losing his mind to the raw energy coursing through his veins. Some have even claimed that his once-golden wings have turned black with corruption, a sign of the dark forces that he now commands. But no one knows for sure, and those who dare to confront Storling rarely live to tell the tale.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 70
Defense: 60(50)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan
