Pyronic Clan – ElderPedia The Lore of the Elders Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:44:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pyronic Clan – ElderPedia 32 32 235697745 Apophis Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:44:46 +0000 #420/500

Apophis is a fearsome creature that strikes terror into the hearts of all who encounter him. His mastery of Ki has allowed him to develop a formidable arsenal of fiery attacks, including long-range explosive blasts of molten fire. Those unlucky enough to witness his fiery rage firsthand describe it as an inferno of apocalyptic proportions, with blazing flames and scorching heat that can reduce entire towns to ashes in mere moments.

His relentless pursuit of destruction and chaos has made him something of a pariah in the world, with few allies or companions to call his own. And while his mastery of Ki has granted him great power, it has also left him vulnerable to those who are skilled in the art of Ki. Some say that Apophis is a cursed creature, doomed to a life of eternal destruction and chaos, forever searching for an end to his own suffering.

Despite his destructive tendencies, there are some who believe that Apophis can be redeemed. Some say that deep down, he longs for companionship and a sense of belonging, and that he may one day find a new purpose beyond his endless cycle of destruction. But until then, the world watches in fear and awe as the Lord of fire and brimstone roams the land, leaving a trail of ash and smoke in his wake.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 80(70)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Aria Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:43:32 +0000 #419/500

Aria, the phoenix, is a being of great power and wisdom. She is said to have lived through countless cycles of birth and rebirth, gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience that few can match. Her fiery feathers give off a warm, comforting glow, and some say her wings span wide enough to enfold an entire village in their embrace. Aria’s ability to harness the power of fire is legendary, and she is said to be able to control flames with a mere flick of her feathers. Those who have witnessed her in action speak of her speed and agility, as she soars through the skies leaving a trail of golden sparks in her wake.

Aria is a creature of great humility and grace. She does not seek out followers or worshipers, but rather offers her aid and guidance to those who seek it. Her presence is said to bring a sense of calm and clarity to those who are lost or confused, and her words carry a weight of wisdom that few can match. Aria is a symbol of hope and renewal, and her mere presence can inspire even the most downtrodden of souls to rise up and fight for what they believe in.

Many have tried to capture Aria over the years, believing that her power could be harnessed for their own gain. But Aria is not so easily captured, and those who attempt to take her down quickly find themselves facing a fierce opponent. Aria’s flames can reduce even the mightiest of warriors to cinders, and her speed and agility make her a difficult target to hit. In the end, it is said that Aria cannot be captured or tamed, for she is a being of pure spirit and cannot be bound by mortal constraints.

Card Stats
Ki: 4
Attack: 60
Defense: 70(60)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Kerberos Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:42:13 +0000 #401/500

Kerberos, the hellhound, roamed the lands of Zagreus, feared by all who knew of his existence. His fiery red eyes glowed in the darkness, and the flames from his mouth illuminated his path. The ground shook with each of his heavy steps, and the air burned with the heat of his presence.

No one knew where he came from or who his master was. Some believed he was a demon spawned from the pits of hell, while others whispered that he was a creation of Ezrus himself, born to do his bidding. But Kerberos was controlled by no one. He was a force of nature, a beast driven by hunger and desire, feeding not only on the flesh but also on the souls of his victims.

Many brave warriors had tried to vanquish him, but none had succeeded. His flaming tail swing struck down the toughest opponents, and his powerful jaws could crush bones like twigs. It was said that even the mightiest of legends feared him, and that Themos, the ruler of the underworld, had made him his loyal pet.

As Kerberos roamed the lands, the people of Zagreus lived in constant fear. Nowhere was safe from his wrath, and screams of agony signaled that he was near. The sound of his howls echoed across the mountains, and the sight of his fiery breath filled the night sky.

Despite his fearsome reputation, there were those who sought to control him, to use him for their own purposes. But Kerberos was not easily tamed. He was his own master, and those who dared to cross him paid a heavy price. The legends of Kerberos grew with each passing day, and his name became synonymous with terror and destruction.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 50(90)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Modig Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:40:48 +0000 #418/500

Modig was always fascinated by the art of war. Even as a young boy, he would spend hours reading books and watching documentaries about famous battles throughout history. But Modig was not content with just learning about warfare; he wanted to become a part of it. He devoted his entire life to mastering the art of combat, honing his skills in every possible way.

Modig was not like any other soldier on the battlefield. He had been biologically enhanced, his senses heightened beyond what was humanly possible. His enhanced sense of smell was particularly noteworthy. He could detect enemies miles away, even if they were hiding behind walls or underground. It was like having a superpower that no one else possessed.

But Modig didn’t rely on his enhanced senses alone. He had a high-tech HUD that fed him real-time combat data. The HUD provided him with information on enemy movements, positions, and weapons. It also allowed him to communicate with his team, giving them tactical advice and guidance.

With his ki energy, Modig was able to use his enhanced senses and HUD to execute a precise targeting of his swarm missile attack. His missiles were like a swarm of angry bees, raining down destruction on any enemy in the area. It was a devastating attack that left nothing standing in its wake.

Modig was a leader of the pack, a commander who led his troops from the front. He was fearless and relentless, always pushing forward even when the odds were against him.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 80(80)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Sylthar Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:39:15 +0000 #417/500

Sylthar was a fierce gargoyle who matched the color of the Sahur Desert perfectly. With its reddish-brown skin and piercing red eyes, Sylthar was a formidable creature to behold. But what made Sylthar truly terrifying was its ability to control fire through Ki. The gargoyle was a master of its element, able to conjure flames from thin air and bend them to its will.

Despite its terrifying reputation, Sylthar was a creature of the night, preferring to hunt and roam under the cover of darkness. It was incredibly stealthy, able to move through the desert without making a sound. Its prey never knew what hit them until it was too late.

Most considered Sylthar a mere children’s tale, a creature invented to scare kids into behaving. But those who had the misfortune of crossing paths with Sylthar knew the truth all too well. No one had ever lived to tell the tale of their encounter with the gargoyle.

Sylthar was a creature of legend, a being feared and revered by all who knew of it. Its fiery rage and deadly claws were enough to send even the bravest of warriors running for cover.

Card Stats
Ki: 5
Attack: 50
Defense: 60(70)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Zahur Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:37:39 +0000 #416/500

Zahur was a legendary scarab that lived deep within the Labyrinth of the Gods. Its unique turquoise color with golden trim made it easily recognizable among other scarabs. Many travelers who ventured into the Labyrinth spoke of its existence but only a few had ever laid eyes on Zahur.

Legend had it that Zahur possessed the power to lead travelers to the treasures hidden deep within the Labyrinth. Some believed that the scarab could be tamed and ridden as a show of power, but those who tried never succeeded. Zahur was not a creature that could be controlled or dominated by mere mortals.

Zahur was known to be nocturnal, and its stealthy movements through the Labyrinth were nearly undetectable. It is said that Zahur was seen eating fire from the torches left by travelers who no longer remained. Those who crossed its path in the darkness of the night never returned to tell the tale. However, for those who were patient enough to listen to its whispers, Zahur could speak words of wisdom and guide them towards their ultimate destiny.

Many seekers had attempted to capture Zahur, hoping to harness its powers, but all attempts had failed. Zahur remained a mystery, a creature of myth and legend that continued to elude those who sought it.

Card Stats
Ki: 7
Attack: 30
Defense: 50(70)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Pyron Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:35:56 +0000 #415/500

In the rocky valleys of Zagreus, there was a creature known as Pyron. It was a massive rock monster with the ability to control fire chaotically and unknowingly using Ki to do so. Pyron lived a solitary life, never trusting anyone who dared to venture into its territory. The creature fiercely protected its cave, attacking anyone who entered with a rage fueled by loneliness and isolation.

Despite its intimidating presence, Pyron was a creature of great sadness. It yearned for companionship but could never find anyone it deemed worthy of trust. Pyron had learned long ago that the world was a harsh and unforgiving place, and it was safer to be alone than to risk getting hurt again.

As time went on, Pyron became a legend among the people of Zagreus. Many tried to challenge the creature, thinking they could take on the fiery monster and claim its cave for themselves. But Pyron remained undefeated, a lone wolf in a world that was too dangerous for even the strongest of creatures to survive alone.

Card Stats
Ki: 5
Attack: 90(70)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Pyrodelos Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:34:09 +0000 #414/500

In the heart of the lush jungles that encircle the middle of Zagreus, there lived a creature unlike any other. It was a small fire frog, adorned in black, orange, and yellow. Its skin seemed to glow with an inner flame, and its eyes burned with a mischievous intelligence.

This creature, known as Pyrodelos, had a reputation for causing chaos wherever it went. It had a particular fondness for sneaking into the villages and towns of the Dasos Clan, catching objects on fire just for the fun of it. Many believed it to be a creature of chaos, sent to torment the peaceful people of the forest.

But Pyrodelos was not entirely malevolent. It simply found joy in causing destruction, in seeing things burn. It was a creature of instinct, driven by a desire for excitement and thrills. And despite its chaotic nature, it was a survivor. It could catch itself on fire without any harm, using the flames as a defense against predators.

Pyrodelos remained a mystery to most, a creature that lived on the fringes of society. But to those who dared to seek it out, it was a marvel to behold, a tiny creature with the power to control fire and spread chaos throughout the land.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 60(90)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Infernoth Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:32:46 +0000 #413/500

Infernoth had a passion for fire that bordered on obsession. He loved the way the flames danced and crackled, and the warmth they gave off was like a soothing embrace to him. He could control the flames around him with ease, shaping them into intricate patterns and using them to light his way through the dense jungle.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Infernoth was not a cruel creature. He simply had a burning desire to see the world burn, and he reveled in the chaos that fire could bring. He would often roam through the jungles that circle the middle of Zagreus, seeking out anything that was already on fire and stoking the flames until they grew into towering infernos.

Some of the other creatures of the jungle tried to avoid Infernoth at all costs, knowing that his love for fire could easily turn into a deadly threat for them. But there were a few who saw something else in the fire ape, a kindred spirit in their own fascination with flames.

For Infernoth, fire was not just a means of destruction, but a source of power and inspiration. And as long as he had the flames to light his way, he would continue to reign supreme over the fire he would find.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 70(70)
Defense: 60
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan

Ravia Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:31:25 +0000 #412/500

Ravia, the banished witch, had been wandering the upper slopes of Oriziba for years, her once beautiful face twisted with anger and malice. The corruption of Ki energy had changed her, granting her wings and the head of a raven, but at the cost of her humanity.

She had once been a member of the Dasos clan, but her thirst for power had driven her to experiment with Ki energy beyond what was deemed safe. Her transformation was incomplete, leaving her stuck between the forms of woman and bird.

Ravia’s dark yellow eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any travelers foolish enough to cross her path. Her wings beat soundlessly as she glided from tree to tree, a predator stalking its prey.

When she found her victims, she used her feminine wiles to lure them closer, her beauty and seductive charm masking the deadly intent within. When they were close enough, she attacked with ferocity, her talons tearing through flesh and bone.

But no matter how many adventurers fell to her, Ravia remained unsatisfied, her thirst for power unquenched. And so she continued to roam the slopes of Oriziba, a vengeful spirit, immune to fire and determined to take revenge on those who had banished her.

Card Stats
Ki: 7
Attack: 50
Defense: 70(70)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan
