Voltaic Clan – ElderPedia https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com The Lore of the Elders Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:00:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://i0.wp.com/elderpedia.eldersofki.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-Pedialogo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Voltaic Clan – ElderPedia https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com 32 32 235697745 Luna https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/luna/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:00:45 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=116 #020/500

Luna was a prodigy in the art of Ki, mastering the most advanced incantations at a young age. She became the talk of the town, her name on the lips of every Ki enthusiast in the land. Her style was unique and awe-inspiring, captivating the audience with her intricate illusions and mind-bending mentalism. Her control of Magma and fire through Ki was a spectacle to behold, igniting the stage with blazing flames that danced to the rhythm of her spells.

But Luna’s true passion was not just using Ki for performing. She saw the potential for Ki to be used as a force for good, to help those in need and protect the innocent. As she traveled across the land, Luna used her ability to heal the sick, comfort the grieving, and protect the weak from those who would harm them.
Through her travels, Luna encountered a group of people part of the Voltaic Clan. They were a secretive order who practiced their connection to Ki. They were able to harness the power of lightning with their ability. Luna found a kindred spirit in them, and together, they embarked on a quest to rid the land of a powerful darkness that threatened to plunge the world into chaos.

With her quick thinking and powerful Ki connection, Luna became a leader in the fight against the darkness. She used her illusions and mentalism to deceive the servants of darkness, while her fire kept them at bay. Her new allies under the Voltaic Clans banner, unleashed bolts of lightning that electrified the battlefield, weakening the darkness and turning the tide of the battle.

Luna seemed to emerge victorious, but her battle was far from over. She knew that there were others who would seek to use Ki for their own selfish gain, and she made it her life’s mission to protect the innocent from those who would abuse their powers. Luna’s legend grew, and she became known as one of the great leaders under the Voltaic Clans banner of her generation, a true hero in the world of Zagreus.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 60(80)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Ysaria https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/ysaria/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:59:23 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=114 #019/500

Born into the Voltaic Clan, Ysaria had always been a force to be reckoned with. Her dark past was a mystery to most, but those who knew her well understood the depth of her rage. For years, Ysaria struggled to control her anger, but it wasn’t until she arrived in the dark south of Zagreus that she truly learned to harness it.

Living in the shadows of the Slopes of Oriziba, Ysaria honed her skills as a warrior. Her rage was a powerful ally, and she learned to channel it into her attacks, striking with ferocity and precision. Her beauty often disarmed her foes, causing them to underestimate her, but Ysaria was always one step ahead.

She preferred to work alone, finding that others often slowed her down or got in her way. But when she did work with others, it was on her terms, and she was always the one in charge. Her commanding presence and unwavering confidence made her a natural leader, with her quick thinking and ability to improvise made her a valuable asset to any team.

Unknowingly, Ysaria also wielded Ki energy against her foes, unleashing powerful attacks that left her enemies reeling. She didn’t fully understand the extent of her abilities, but she knew that she was a force to be reckoned with.

Despite her dark past and fierce reputation, Ysaria was not without her vulnerabilities. She struggled with trust and often kept her guard up, even around those she cared about. But those who took the time to get to know her found a loyal and fierce ally, one who would stop at nothing to protect those she loved.

Card Stats
Ki: 9
Attack: 90(40)
Defense: 20
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Azazel https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/azazel/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:57:56 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=112 #018/500

Azazel was a solitary figure, content to wander through the wilderness and live off the land. He had long ago rejected the trappings of civilization, preferring the simplicity of the natural world. Many considered him dangerous and unpredictable, and they were not wrong. Azazel had a wild streak that burned within him, an untamed energy that he struggled to contain.

Despite his solitary nature, Azazel was not without enemies. There were those who saw him as a threat to their way of life, and they would stop at nothing to see him gone. But Azazel was a survivor, and learning to adapt to even the harshest conditions. He was a master of stealth and cunning, able to evade even the most determined pursuers.

Over time, Azazel’s reputation had grown, and he had become something of a legend in certain circles. There were those who sought him out, eager to learn from his experiences and hear his stories of survival. But Azazel remained wary of such attention, knowing that it often came with a price. For him, the only true freedom lay in the ability to move freely through the world, without the constraints of society or the expectations of others.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 80
Defense: 40(60)
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Zephyr https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/zephyr/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:56:06 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=110 #017/500

Zephyr was born with a fiery personality and a quick wit. From a young age, she was a natural performer, always cracking jokes and making others laugh. Her sharp tongue and sarcastic humor set her apart from the rest of her peers, and she quickly became known as the class clown.

As she grew older, Zephyr’s talents began to evolve. She discovered a love for combat and spent countless hours honing her skills as a warrior. Her natural agility and speed made her a formidable opponent, and she quickly gained a reputation as one of the best mercenaries among the dragon community.

Despite her success as a warrior, Zephyr continued to struggle with a fiery temper. When provoked, she would often fly into a rage, unleashing her fury on anyone who dared to cross her. This had led to many heated battles and near-death experiences, but Zephyr refused to let her temper get the best of her.

Fortunately, Zephyr’s quick wit and agility often saved her from dangerous situations. She was able to think on her feet and use her wings to outmaneuver her opponents. Her ability to improvise and adapt to any situation made her a valuable asset to any team, and many sought her out for her skills.

As Zephyr continued to grow and evolve as a warrior, she began to learn how to control her fiery temper. She discovered that her humor and wit could be used as a tool to diffuse tense situations and calm her own anger. With time, Zephyr became more balanced, using her quick wit and wings to triumph over any obstacle that came her way.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 60(80)
Defense: 50
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Kazrial https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/kazrial/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:54:29 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=108 #016/500

Kazrial was abandoned by her family at a young age because of her ability to corrupt Ki. Ki was the life force that flowed within all living beings in Zagreus, and to corrupt it was considered a dangerous and forbidden art. Kazrial found herself alone, scared, and unsure of what her future held.

She eventually found her way to the dark south of Zagreus known as Oriziba, where she learned to master her corruption of Ki. She spent years studying and experimenting, pushing herself to the limit to unlock the full extent of her power. Over time, she developed a taste for ash and blood, finding sustenance in the very essence of those she defeated.

As she grew stronger and more powerful, Kazrial became a feared figure throughout the region. She was known for her unmatched strength and her ability to corrupt Ki with ease. Those who crossed her path were met with swift and brutal punishment, often ending up as little more than a pile of ash at her feet.
Despite her fearsome reputation, Kazrial was not content with simply ruling over the dark south of Zagreus. She dreamed of conquering the entire land, of bending all of its inhabitants to her will. And so, she began to amass an army, gathering warriors and sorcerers from all corners of the land to join her cause.

As her forces grew, so too did Kazrial’s power. She began to lay waste to entire cities, her corruption of Ki leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The people of Zagreus lived in fear of her, praying for a hero to rise up and challenge her rule.

But Kazrial was not one to be easily defeated. She was a force of nature, a being of immense power and darkness. And as long as there was breath left in her body, she would continue to bring fear and destruction over Zagreus, leaving nothing but ash and blood in her wake.

Card Stats
Ki: 10
Attack: 90(60)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Pyraxis https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/pyraxis/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:53:02 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=106 #015/500

The seven-headed hydra dragon known as Pyraxis is feared across the land for its immense power and ferocity in battle. Born from the flames of a long-dormant volcano, Pyraxis was raised by a tribe of fierce warriors who trained the dragon in the art of combat. With each head possessing its own unique ability, Pyraxis is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Its scales are as strong as steel, and its fire breath can melt even the most hardened armor.

Pyraxis is a dragon unlike any other, with seven heads, each possessing its own unique power. One head breathes a deadly toxic gas that can kill even the hardiest of warriors, while another unleashes a blast of freezing cold air that can turn flesh to ice. Yet another head can manipulate the very earth itself, causing earthquakes and landslides. The other four heads are no less fearsome, possessing the ability to summon lightning storms, tornadoes, and pillars of flame. It’s said that Pyraxis can unleash all seven heads at once, creating a maelstrom of destruction that no army can withstand.

Despite its fearsome reputation, Pyraxis is not invincible. Its greatest weakness is its pride, and the dragon can be easily goaded into making mistakes. Those who have faced Pyraxis and lived to tell the tale know that the key to victory is to keep the dragon off-balance, exploiting its arrogance and overconfidence. This is easier said than done, of course, as Pyraxis is a cunning foe, and its intelligence rivals that of the most intelligent humans. Nonetheless, with the right strategy and a bit of luck, it’s possible to defeat the dragon and claim the treasures that lie within its lair. But be warned: Pyraxis is not a foe to be taken lightly, and those who underestimate its power do so at their own peril.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 50(80)
Defense: 70
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Aurorwing https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/aurorwing/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:51:33 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=104 #014/500

Deep in the heart of Zagreus, atop the lofty Mount of Clouds, there lived a powerful and majestic eagle known as Aurorwing. With feathers as black as the ash in Oriziba and eyes that gleamed like diamonds, Aurorwing was the undisputed ruler of the skies.

What set Aurorwing apart from other eagles was his ability to harness the power of Ki, the life force that flowed through all living things. As if it were the wind, Aurorwing could manipulate Ki to move through the air with incredible speed and agility. He was a marvel to behold, darting and soaring through the sky with effortless grace.

Despite his formidable power and skill, Aurorwing was known for his quiet and reserved nature. He seldom spoke, and when he did, his words were always filled with wisdom and insight. Many travelers who journeyed to the Mount of Clouds seeking his guidance would leave feeling wiser and more at peace than they had before.

Yet for all his wisdom and grace, there was a darkness about Aurorwing that could not be ignored. He had seen much in his long life, and the weight of his experiences weighed heavily upon him. It was said that he had once battled a great evil that threatened to destroy all of Zagreus, and though he had emerged victorious, the scars of that battle remained.

And so Aurorwing remained perched atop the Mount of Clouds, a silent and powerful guardian of Zagreus. Though he seldom left his lofty perch, his presence was felt throughout the land, a beacon of hope and wisdom to all who gazed upon him.

Card Stats
Ki: 5
Attack: 50
Defense: 70(80)
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Maglaze https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/maglaze/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:50:00 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=102 #013/500

Maglaze was a fearsome troll that roamed the dark and desolate region of South Zagreus, below the Slopes of Oriziba. He was a towering creature with rippling muscles and a fierce gaze that struck fear into the hearts of all who crossed his path.

Maglaze was not a creature that went unnoticed, for he was always on the lookout for anyone he deemed weaker than him. He thrived on picking fights with those he saw as inferior to him, and it didn’t matter whether it was a human, an elf or even another troll, he would never back down from a challenge.
Maglaze wielded the power of lava and flame with the ease of a master. He used Ki energy to channel the molten earth and unleash fiery destruction upon his enemies. It was as if the lava and flame were extensions of his own strength, and those who dared to cross him soon found out the hard way that Maglaze was not to be trifled with.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Maglaze was not without his weaknesses. He had a fierce temper that could be easily triggered, and once he was enraged, there was no stopping him. He would rampage through the area, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Card Stats
Ki: 5
Attack: 60(90)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Valtor https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/valtor/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:48:18 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=100 #012/500

Valtor was not like any other man in his village. His ghostly white complexion and glowing red eyes gave him an almost supernatural aura, and his abilities with Ki energy were unmatched. He could harness the energy from the environment around him, drawing strength from the very air he breathed.
But Valtor was always a mysterious figure, preferring to keep to himself and only speaking when absolutely necessary. His power was a source of fear and awe for those who knew him, and he used it sparingly, only when it was absolutely necessary.

One day, Valtor set out on a journey to explore the world beyond his village in the highlands of Zagreus. He encountered many obstacles along the way, but his Ki energy allowed him to overcome them all. Eventually, he found himself in a region of the world that was rich in volcanic activity below the Slopes of Oriziba. The light from the lava engulfed him and became his new weapon, and he honed his abilities until he became an even more fearsome force to be reckoned with.

Despite his power, Valtor remained unspoken and mysterious, with only his glowing red eyes and the radiating Ki energy from his head giving any indication of his true nature. Those who crossed his path were filled with both awe and terror, unsure of what he was capable of, and whether they would live to see another day.

Card Stats
Ki: 10
Attack: 50(90)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan

Ariastris https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/ariastris/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:46:45 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=98 #011/500

Ariastris, the fire goddess, was unlike any other creature in existence. She was beautiful, with long fiery hair and eyes that shone like the sun. Her skin was covered in flames, which never seemed to harm her. People assumed she was a daughter of Ezrus brought to Zagreus, almost that of a myth. She was a watcher, observing the world around her from the safety of her lava pools. She never interfered in the affairs of mortals unless it was absolutely necessary.

Despite her immense power, Ariastris preferred not to fight. She believed that violence only caused pain and suffering, and that there were better ways to solve problems. Instead, she used her intelligence and strength to help those who showed her kindness.

Ariastris was only found in the hottest, most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Like a mermaid of the flames, she would swim through pools of molten lava, the fire around her only growing stronger. Few had ever seen her, and even fewer had ever spoken to her. But those who had were changed forever, for they had been in the presence of a true goddess.

Card Stats
Ki: 9
Attack: 30
Defense: 70(80)
Strong Against: Aquatic Clan and Erimos Clan
