ElderPedia https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com The Lore of the Elders Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:15:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://i0.wp.com/elderpedia.eldersofki.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-Pedialogo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 ElderPedia https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com 32 32 235697745 Lykaeos https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/lykaeos/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:15:03 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=382 #222/500

Up in the mountains, in the rocky valleys of Zagreus, where the hardiest inhabitants scratch out a living from the harsh terrain, you might hear a spine-tingling sound in the watches of the night. Is it a wolf? Or is it a man? Neither, it’s Lykaeos, the prince of the Kynis tribe, and once he has you in his sights, you’re going to have to be very, very lucky to escape from these hunters.

Lykaeos is not just a hunter, but also a shaman who has been blessed by the spirits of nature. He has the ability to commune with animals and control the elements, using his powers to bend the land and the creatures that dwell within it to his will. With a wave of his hand, he can summon a fierce storm that can tear through the mountainside, or make the earth shake and crumble beneath his enemies’ feet.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Lykaeos is not an indiscriminate killer. He only hunts what he needs to survive and has a deep respect for the natural world. He views himself as a guardian of the land, protecting it from those who seek to exploit it for their own gain. While he is a formidable opponent to those who cross him, Lykaeos is also a staunch ally to those who share his values and is known to lend his aid to those in need.

Card Stats
Ki: 5
Attack: 70(70)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Ungaros https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/ungaros/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:13:53 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=380 #221/500

In the far east of Zagreus, you will find the great lizard tribe. Fierce warriors, led by Ungaros, they keep watch over the sunrise shore of the Great Ocean. Loyal to protecting the Ki, and beyond that, loyal only to themselves, they are better kept at a distance, for they can transmit the pure force of Ki to devastating effect.

Ungaros is a formidable opponent, with scales harder than steel and claws sharper than any blade. He wields his power with ease, striking down his enemies with lightning-fast movements and a roar that shakes the very ground beneath their feet. Despite his savage nature, Ungaros is a skilled strategist and a respected leader, able to rally his troops and lead them to victory time and time again. His tribe is feared by all who know of them, and their reputation as ruthless conquerors has spread far beyond the shores of the Great Ocean.

But despite his fearsome reputation, there are those who whisper that Ungaros is not the true ruler of the lizard tribe. Some say that there is another, hidden deep within the mountain stronghold that serves as their base of operations. A being of even greater power and cunning, who pulls the strings from behind the scenes, using Ungaros as nothing more than a puppet in a larger game. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: those who cross Ungaros and his tribe do so at their own peril.

Card Stats
Ki: 9
Attack: 70
Defense: 30(70)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Fenrir https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/fenrir/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:12:26 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=378 #220/500

The open plains of the highlands of Zagreus are home to a number of shape shifters. Among them is Fenrir. He values his privacy, does Fenrir. Anyone coming to call needs a very good reason. He just about tolerates his cousin, Lykaeos, but only once in a blue moon. Armed not just with vicious teeth and claws, he also channels the force of Ki through his sword, Angurvadal.

Fenrir is a creature of the land and the wilderness, and he is fiercely protective of his territory. He spends most of his time hunting and exploring the vast expanse of the highlands, always on the lookout for potential threats to his domain. He has a deep respect for the natural world, and he takes great care to ensure that he doesn’t upset the balance of nature. Despite his fearsome reputation, Fenrir is actually quite solitary and introspective, often spending hours alone in the wilderness, deep in thought.

When he’s not hunting or exploring, Fenrir can usually be found honing his skills with Angurvadal. He takes great pride in his swordsmanship, and he is constantly seeking to improve his technique. He believes that his sword is an extension of himself, and he treats it with the utmost care and respect. Some say that he even talks to it, though whether this is true or not is anyone’s guess. Regardless, one thing is certain: when Fenrir draws Angurvadal, his enemies had better watch out, for he is a force to be reckoned with.

Card Stats
Ki: 7
Attack: 60(80)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Vespera https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/vespera/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:11:04 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=376 #219/500

Dancing on the edge of a blade, there flits a poisonous insect fairy named Vespera. With wings like gossamer and wickedly sharp sets of claws, she is a creature to be both admired and feared. Her venom is potent and deadly, capable of bringing even the strongest of creatures to their knees. Vespera’s loyalty is not easily won, but those who manage to earn her favor will find her a fierce ally. Her diminutive size belies her power, and she is known to take down foes many times her own size with ruthless efficiency. Vespera’s love for death is deep and will stop at nothing to help bring it to her foes.. Though some may see her as a mere pest, those who underestimate Vespera do so at their own peril.

Vespera’s home is the dense forest, where she flits among the trees and hunts for prey. She is a master of stealth, able to move silently through the underbrush and disappear at a moment’s notice. Her sharp senses and quick reflexes make her a formidable opponent, even for the most skilled of hunters. Vespera’s existence is tied to the natural world, and she is fiercely protective of the wilderness she calls home.

Stories remind any who threaten her domain will face her wrath, and it is said that she can call upon the very spirits of the forest to aid her in battle. But for those who show respect for nature, Vespera can be a valuable ally and a font of knowledge about the secrets of the natural world.

Card Stats
Ki: 6
Attack: 70
Defense: 60(40)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Kefaru https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/kefaru/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:09:28 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=374 #218/500

Impatient, irritable, intractable… These are some of Kefaru’s flaws. Strong, brave and loyal are the upside to this dependable warrior. He mightn’t be the fastest of the troops that defend the forest belt of the Mountains of Cloud, but his massive strength means that facing him is like facing a battalion of tanks armed only with a toothpick.

Despite his flaws, Kefaru is a respected member of the forest belt defense team. His stubbornness can be a double-edged sword, for while it can make him difficult to work with, it also means that he never gives up in the face of adversity. When his allies are in danger, Kefaru charges into battle without hesitation, using his massive strength to smash through enemy lines and turn the tide of the fight.

Kefaru’s loyalty to his friends is unwavering, and he has been known to put himself in harm’s way to protect them. He may not be the most diplomatic of creatures, but his heart is in the right place. Those who are willing to look past his rough exterior will find a kind and courageous soul who is always ready to lend a hand.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 60(30)
Defense: 90
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Master Xiu https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/master-xiu/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:08:09 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=372 #217/500

Guardian of the Misty Forest. He wraps himself in the shadows of the trees, casting spells of darkness and confusion in the thoughts of his enemies. Don’t be fooled by his benign appearance; This member of the Dasos faction is a master at manipulating Ki to first mess with your mind and then use his fighting skills to finish you off.

Though he often keeps to himself and avoids unnecessary confrontations, Master Xiu is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. He is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and his use of Ki only adds to his already formidable abilities. His opponents often find themselves at a disadvantage, unable to anticipate his next move as he effortlessly weaves in and out of the shadows.

Despite his reputation as a skilled and ruthless warrior, Master Xiu is also known for his compassion and wisdom. He often serves as a mentor and teacher to young Dasos warriors, passing on his knowledge and experience to the next generation. His dedication to the preservation of the Misty Forest and its inhabitants is unwavering, and he will stop at nothing to protect his home and those who call it their own.

Card Stats
Ki: 10
Attack: 70
Defense: 30(80)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Juya https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/juya/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:04:16 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=370 #216/500

In the dense jungles of the south, life teems with vitality. Every creature, great and small, plays a role in the delicate balance of nature. But the human inhabitants of this wild place have a special bond with the animals around them, thanks to the gift of Ki. Through this mystical force, they are able to communicate with the creatures they share their home with, forming a powerful alliance that ensures the survival of all.

Among these people is Juya, a skilled warrior who wields a deadly blowpipe with precision. His weapon is tipped with a poison supplied by her closest animal ally, Icambaya, a brilliantly colored frog who clings on to his blowpipe. Together, they are a fearsome force, able to take down even the most dangerous beasts of the jungle.

But Juya and Icambaya are not alone in their fight. They are joined by Tamur, a nimble climber who uses his exceptional agility to navigate the treacherous tangles of vine that shroud the trees. With his keen eyesight and sharp senses, he is an invaluable scout and lookout for the trio, warning of dangers ahead and pointing out opportunities for ambush and attack.

Together, these three warriors form an unbreakable bond, forged through years of living and fighting side by side in the jungle. They have earned the respect and admiration of their fellow humans and the animals they share the land with, and their legend lives on as a symbol of the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Card Stats
Ki: 7
Attack: 80(50)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Mkango https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/mkango/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:01:07 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=363 #215/500

The plains below the snow topped Mountains of Cloud have many defenders. And one of the most feared is Mkango. He’s king around here, and whilst he may look as if he’s content to laze the day away, once roused his ferocity can be unbounded. Sometimes a wise and benevolent ruler, in battle he’s a devil incarnate.

Mkango is not just a formidable warrior, but also a skilled strategist. He knows the terrain of the plains like the back of his hand, and he can use it to his advantage in battle. He’s a master of ambush tactics, able to strike from unexpected angles and catch his enemies off guard. He also knows how to inspire loyalty in his troops, and they follow him into battle with a fierce devotion.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Mkango is not without compassion. He has been known to take in orphaned cubs and raise them as his own, teaching them the ways of the plains and preparing them for life as warriors. He has also been known to show mercy to defeated foes, sparing their lives and even offering them a chance to join his ranks. But make no mistake, those who cross him or threaten his territory will feel the full force of his wrath.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 80(70)
Defense: 60
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Ingwe https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/ingwe/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 01:59:25 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=361 #214/500

The edges of the jungles that circle the middle of Zagreus, in the foothills of the Mountains of Cloud, are the haunts of Ingwe and her kindred. They’re not the largest of the inhabitants, but they’re masters of stealth, strength and surprise. Strong allies of other members of the Dasos faction, their hardihood makes them great to have on your side… but not so good if you’re an enemy. For then, every shadow can hide a killer.

As one of the most skilled hunters of the jungle, Ingwe is a fierce and cunning predator. Her sharp claws and powerful jaws are more than enough to take down prey many times her size, and her ability to move silently through the dense foliage makes her a deadly opponent. But it’s not just her physical prowess that sets her apart – Ingwe is also a master of strategy and tactics, able to outmaneuver even the most skilled of opponents.

Despite her reputation as a fierce warrior, Ingwe is also known for her compassion and loyalty to her kin. She will go to great lengths to protect her family and friends, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. But make no mistake – cross her or her loved ones, and you’ll quickly find yourself on the receiving end of her deadly claws. For in the jungle, only the strong survive, and Ingwe is among the strongest of them all.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 60(90)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan

Imvubu https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/imvubu/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 01:58:17 +0000 https://elderpedia.eldersofki.com/?p=359 #213/500

The rivers and lakes that circle the lands beneath the Mountains of Cloud hold many dangers for the unwary. One of the most dangerous is Imvubu. For not only does he have free rein in the water, his mastery of Ki means that they’re equally at home on land. He moves more quickly than you’d suppose, and he’s just as strong as Kefaru. Are you sure you want to cross the water to climb up into the Mountains of Cloud?

As if the treacherous waters weren’t enough, Imvubu’s presence also brings with it an eerie sense of foreboding. Those who have faced him speak of a malevolent intelligence lurking behind his cold, calculating eyes, making him all the more dangerous. Imvubu is not just a beast, he is a force to be reckoned with.

But for those brave enough to face him, Imvubu can be a source of great reward. His mastery of Ki has granted him immense power, and those who manage to best him can learn valuable lessons in the ways of Ki. Some even say that Imvubu is a gatekeeper of sorts, granting passage to those he deems worthy enough to enter the Mountains of Cloud. Whether friend or foe, one thing is certain: encountering Imvubu is an experience that will not be easily forgotten.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 70
Defense: 40(70)
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan
