

The edges of the jungles that circle the middle of Zagreus, in the foothills of the Mountains of Cloud, are the haunts of Ingwe and her kindred. They’re not the largest of the inhabitants, but they’re masters of stealth, strength and surprise. Strong allies of other members of the Dasos faction, their hardihood makes them great to have on your side… but not so good if you’re an enemy. For then, every shadow can hide a killer.

As one of the most skilled hunters of the jungle, Ingwe is a fierce and cunning predator. Her sharp claws and powerful jaws are more than enough to take down prey many times her size, and her ability to move silently through the dense foliage makes her a deadly opponent. But it’s not just her physical prowess that sets her apart – Ingwe is also a master of strategy and tactics, able to outmaneuver even the most skilled of opponents.

Despite her reputation as a fierce warrior, Ingwe is also known for her compassion and loyalty to her kin. She will go to great lengths to protect her family and friends, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. But make no mistake – cross her or her loved ones, and you’ll quickly find yourself on the receiving end of her deadly claws. For in the jungle, only the strong survive, and Ingwe is among the strongest of them all.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 60(90)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan