Intro to the Voltaic Clan

The Voltaic Clan is a powerful and feared clan in Zagreus, known for their extreme views and brutal methods. They believe in a strict hierarchy, with only the strongest and most capable being fit to lead. To them, weakness is a disease that must be purged from the world, and they have no qualms about using force to achieve their goals.

The Voltaic Clan is centered in Oriziba, the heart of their territory in South Zagreus. Here, they have established a powerful stronghold and built a formidable army to protect their borders and maintain their dominance. They are known for their mastery of weapons and knowledge of Ki, which they use to devastating effect against their enemies.

The Voltaic Clan is a sworn enemy of the Erimos and Aquatic Clans, whom they view as weak and inferior. They have engaged in numerous conflicts with these clans over the years, often resulting in bloodshed and destruction.

Despite their ruthless reputation, the Voltaic Clan is admired by some for their strength and uncompromising nature. But to many others, they are a dangerous and unpredictable force that must be kept in check.

They are strongest against the Erimos Clan and the Aquatic Clan. Erimos Clan tends to be solo and very vulnerable to the attacks of the Voltaic Clan. Aquatic Clan may be involved in water, but that does not stop some of the attacks involving magma. Purge Zagreus, free the land of its weakness, and make the strong survive.