

Ixpuztec was not always the lord of death. Long ago, he was a humble sorcerer who sought knowledge and power. But as he delved deeper into the corruption of ki, he became tainted by the very forces he sought to control. His obsession with death and the afterlife led him to make a pact with Themis that resides in the underworld. In exchange for his soul, they granted him immense power and made him the ruler of the dead.

Ixpuztec’s thirst for power knew no bounds, and he began to build his dark empire in the Rocky Valleys of Zagreus. He used his knowledge of Ki to create the pillar of Todolev, which allowed him to see all who came to the steps of his empire. He judged their worthiness and decided who would be granted passage through his domain.

As his power grew, so did his arrogance and cruelty. He unleashed his undead armies on the living, spreading terror and death throughout Zagreus. His name became synonymous with fear, and many believed that speaking it aloud would bring his wrath upon them.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 70
Defense: 50(80)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan