

Impatient, irritable, intractable… These are some of Kefaru’s flaws. Strong, brave and loyal are the upside to this dependable warrior. He mightn’t be the fastest of the troops that defend the forest belt of the Mountains of Cloud, but his massive strength means that facing him is like facing a battalion of tanks armed only with a toothpick.

Despite his flaws, Kefaru is a respected member of the forest belt defense team. His stubbornness can be a double-edged sword, for while it can make him difficult to work with, it also means that he never gives up in the face of adversity. When his allies are in danger, Kefaru charges into battle without hesitation, using his massive strength to smash through enemy lines and turn the tide of the fight.

Kefaru’s loyalty to his friends is unwavering, and he has been known to put himself in harm’s way to protect them. He may not be the most diplomatic of creatures, but his heart is in the right place. Those who are willing to look past his rough exterior will find a kind and courageous soul who is always ready to lend a hand.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 60(30)
Defense: 90
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan