

In the heart of the battlefield, there roams a hulking juggernaut known as Korgoth the Crusher. His massive frame is adorned with battle scars and hardened steel, and his mace is a weapon of unparalleled destruction. With each swing of his weapon, Korgoth lays waste to his foes, leaving behind a trail of rubble and broken bodies. Despite his imposing size, Korgoth is surprisingly quick on his feet, and his agility allows him to outmaneuver even the swiftest of opponents. His devotion to the art of combat has made him a legend among warriors, and his fearsome reputation precedes him on every battlefield. Korgoth is a force to be reckoned with, and any who dare to stand against him would do well to think twice before engaging in battle.

Korgoth’s thirst for battle is insatiable, and he has fought in countless wars and conflicts over the years. His loyalty is not to any one kingdom or ruler, but to the thrill of the fight and the rush of adrenaline that comes with it. Despite his ferocity in battle, Korgoth is not without honor. He abides by a strict code of conduct that forbids him from attacking unarmed opponents or engaging in underhanded tactics. Those who fight with honor and respect earn his admiration, and he has been known to spare the lives of worthy adversaries on occasion.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Korgoth is not invincible. He has faced many formidable opponents over the years, and there are whispers of a few defeats scattered throughout his long and storied career. But even in defeat, Korgoth is never truly vanquished. He always emerges from battle, battered and bruised but still standing, ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead. For Korgoth, the thrill of the fight is not just a means to an end – it is a way of life, a calling that drives him to seek out new challenges and push himself to the limits of his endurance. And as long as there are battles to be fought and enemies to be crushed, Korgoth the Crusher will remain a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 80(80)
Defense: 60
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan