

The plains below the snow topped Mountains of Cloud have many defenders. And one of the most feared is Mkango. He’s king around here, and whilst he may look as if he’s content to laze the day away, once roused his ferocity can be unbounded. Sometimes a wise and benevolent ruler, in battle he’s a devil incarnate.

Mkango is not just a formidable warrior, but also a skilled strategist. He knows the terrain of the plains like the back of his hand, and he can use it to his advantage in battle. He’s a master of ambush tactics, able to strike from unexpected angles and catch his enemies off guard. He also knows how to inspire loyalty in his troops, and they follow him into battle with a fierce devotion.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Mkango is not without compassion. He has been known to take in orphaned cubs and raise them as his own, teaching them the ways of the plains and preparing them for life as warriors. He has also been known to show mercy to defeated foes, sparing their lives and even offering them a chance to join his ranks. But make no mistake, those who cross him or threaten his territory will feel the full force of his wrath.

Card Stats
Ki: 2
Attack: 80(70)
Defense: 60
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Erimos Clan