

As one delves deeper into the depths of the ocean, the temperature drops drastically and the pressure increases, making it nearly impossible for most beings to survive. But for Phorkys, the guardian of the deep-dwellers, this is his domain. His skin matches the depths of the sea and his eyes are black like that of a shark but still very much human..

Phorkys wields immense power over the ocean, using his Ki to manipulate the currents and tidal streams. He creates whirlpools and eddies that can easily ensnare any unwary traveler. He is served by a legion of sharks, who are both his loyal subjects and his personal army. They hunt and patrol the dark waters, keeping the peace and defending their master’s realm.

Few have seen Phorkys up close and lived to tell the tale. Those who have described him as a fierce and formidable demigod, with a gaze that can chill one to the bone. He is a master of the ocean depths, and those who dare to challenge his authority will face a swift and terrible retribution.

To cross his path is to court death itself, for Phorkys is the guardian of the deep, and he will not tolerate any who would threaten the peace and safety of his domain.

Card Stats
Ki: 6
Attack: 80(60)
Defense: 30
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan