

In the heart of the lush jungles that encircle the middle of Zagreus, there lived a creature unlike any other. It was a small fire frog, adorned in black, orange, and yellow. Its skin seemed to glow with an inner flame, and its eyes burned with a mischievous intelligence.

This creature, known as Pyrodelos, had a reputation for causing chaos wherever it went. It had a particular fondness for sneaking into the villages and towns of the Dasos Clan, catching objects on fire just for the fun of it. Many believed it to be a creature of chaos, sent to torment the peaceful people of the forest.

But Pyrodelos was not entirely malevolent. It simply found joy in causing destruction, in seeing things burn. It was a creature of instinct, driven by a desire for excitement and thrills. And despite its chaotic nature, it was a survivor. It could catch itself on fire without any harm, using the flames as a defense against predators.

Pyrodelos remained a mystery to most, a creature that lived on the fringes of society. But to those who dared to seek it out, it was a marvel to behold, a tiny creature with the power to control fire and spread chaos throughout the land.

Card Stats
Ki: 3
Attack: 60(90)
Defense: 40
Strong Against: Voltaic Clan and Dasos Clan