Season 1: Era of Dasos

The Era of the Dasos Clan was a time of great power and prosperity. They had conquered most of the lands in Zagreus and had established a strong central government. The clan was known for its advancements in science, medicine, and weaponry. They had developed steam-powered machines that made farming and manufacturing easier, and had discovered cures for many of the common diseases that plagued the people.

However, there was a darkness lurking in the shadows. Some of the advisors in the clan had begun to have strange visions and nightmares. They spoke of a great evil that was coming, a darkness that would consume them all. But the leaders of the Dasos Clan were too proud and arrogant to listen. They thought themselves invincible and above such superstitions.

Focusing on using Ki for good and protecting their domain, they continued to bring balance to their people. Continuing their strive for power, strength, and stability, the Dasos clan was not to be taken lightly. Some of the finest weapons, armor, and shields were created from the forge of the Elders beneath the foothills of the Mountains of Cloud.

As the years passed, the darkness grew stronger. The animals in the forests began to behave strangely, and the crops started to fail. Strange creatures began to appear in the woods, and people started disappearing in the night. But still, the leaders of the Dasos Clan refused to listen. They continued to focus on their technological advancements and ignored the signs of the approaching danger.