

High atop a mountain peak, there dwells a chimera known as Storling. With wings of gold and a mane of lightning, Storling harnesses the raw power of the elements to devastating effect. He wields bolts of lightning with ease, blasting his enemies with crackling energy and leaving them smoldering in his wake. His mastery of the skies makes him a swift and deadly opponent, able to strike from above with blinding speed. But despite his fearsome abilities, Storling is a wicked creature at heart, using his powers to wreak havoc. His name is spoken with reverence among the people, and many look to him as the face of death.

The legend of Storling is known far and wide, and many have attempted to slay the beast to no avail. Some say that his lightning strikes are so powerful that they can split mountains in two, while others claim that he can control the very winds themselves. But no matter how formidable his foes, Storling always emerges victorious, leaving destruction and chaos in his wake.

Though he is feared and revered, Storling is not invincible. There are whispers among the people that his power comes with a price, and that he is slowly losing his mind to the raw energy coursing through his veins. Some have even claimed that his once-golden wings have turned black with corruption, a sign of the dark forces that he now commands. But no one knows for sure, and those who dare to confront Storling rarely live to tell the tale.

Card Stats
Ki: 8
Attack: 70
Defense: 60(50)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Aquatic Clan