glunras – ElderPedia The Lore of the Elders Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:58:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 glunras – ElderPedia 32 32 235697745 Glunras Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:58:14 +0000 #111/500

Glunras was born into a world of violence and danger. As a young hatchling, he quickly learned the harsh realities of life in the ocean, where survival meant being stronger and faster than any other creature. It wasn’t long before he grew to be a formidable warrior, with a body that was tougher than any armor and pincers that could crush even the thickest shell.

His prowess in battle did not go unnoticed, and soon he was appointed as the leader of his people. Under his rule, they became known as one of the fiercest fighters in the Great Ocean, and other creatures began to fear the very mention of his name. Glunras led his army into countless battles, always emerging victorious, and establishing his position as the Pincer Prince.

Despite his reputation, Glunras was not a mindless monster. He had a deep love and respect for his people, and would do anything to protect them from harm. His loyalty to the sea was unwavering, and he would often venture into dangerous waters to defend his territory from intruders.

Despite his ferocity, Glunras was not invincible. His biggest fear was that he would one day lose a battle and be forced to yield his position as the Pincer Prince. But as long as he remained in power, he would continue to lead his army with pride and defend his people at all costs.

Card Stats
Ki: 1
Attack: 70
Defense: 70(50)
Strong Against: Pyronic Clan and Dasos Clan
